• Are you fed up with superficial conversations that lead nowhere and leave you with a shallow feeling?

    How would you like to establish a deeper connection with people you’ve just met authentically? I’ll help you to:
    ✔️ Draw people in to be engaged in your conversation
    ✔️ Own the silence in conversations
    ✔️ Consistently be fully present while communicating with others
    ✔️ Go beyond the superficial small talk
    ✔️ Improve social awareness and acuity
    ✔️ Build more trust and have inspiring conversations
    If you would like personalized help click the button below:

    Apply here.

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Are you struggling with moving a conversation to a deeper level? Let me help you guide you through the process to master every conversation on a deeper level with ease. And move from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence. Therefore, you’ll not even have to think about this anymore.

Want to Improve your Conversations Big Time? – Just do This:

This article is about becoming aware of what to change when talking to someone. And how to improve conversations with people in general. You’d like to talk with them. Not at them. Because all in all you want to give the conversation a vibe of being a team and collaborating. Not competing. Collaborating will help […]

Dance Kizomba and Connect

What is this post all about? Kizomba is derived from the Portuguese word “Kizomba” and originates in Angola, Africa. Normally I am talking about how to use the words and then to use the vibe to emphasize the connection. This should be a subconscious thing with time. You shouldn’t necessarily feel the need to think […]

Take a Break

It’s important to introduce breaks in a conversation. Especially when you want to create a deep connection. Why? Maybe because you made your conversation partner think and therefore she doesn’t talk anymore for a while. She thinks about how to mention and formulate her thoughts. Or – imagine you speak to her inner core and […]

Hi! I am Holger.

I’ve always had a preference to get to know people on a deeper level.
Because I didn’t like the small talk at all. Talk to me using yes/no questions, and I’ll politely say goodbye.
I would always ask questions that no one had ever asked you before. Like if you’re thinking in pictures, emotions, colors, keywords or whatever may be the case. When I was a little guy I often sneaked into the rooms of my older sister to see what novels she is reading. Later on I took interest in everything that deals with empathy and psychology. Until today there’s not much actionable content online or available for you to acquire those skills.
That’s what I’ll be going to help you with.