Tag Archive for: Review

Review – Participant S.T.

Hello Holger

I just wanted to say thank you again for your invested time in which I got to know so much about conversations and conversation starters,
the needs of people as well as much about myself!
This knowledge fundamentally changed my life! I would not be where I am today.

I would not stand here with confidence like I have here now.
Through this knowledge, I became much more aware of what I am doing.
I notice it every day as I make decisions differently. This would not be possible for me to do if I had not met you.
Every day I discover mistakes of me, but also mistakes of strangers, and usually notice in a split second why this conversation leads nowhere.
And I realize why some women lose interest during the conversation and can cope with such situations.
I have a repertoire of possible

  • subjects
  • questions
  • response patterns

I won so much life quality from you and what you offer through your own ambition on this topic and it’s really priceless. I am so grateful and happy about that!!! 😊

I thought you should know and be reminded again
that you are a unique person doing exactly the right thing!

I am incredibly happy to know you and to be among my friends. 🤗

Greetings from Canada☺💫🌲


Review – Participant Tobias M.

Good communication – suitable for building a deep connection between people –
is an important and valuable skill that is hardly ever properly taught and learned.
The more potential is lacking the bigger the difference it can make.
It’s like giving water to a thirsty traveler in a desert.

Holger is a natural, self-taught, and master trainer in this field.
With him as a coach, all social lights are green.

– Tobias M.

Review – Participant B. K.

…I liked it, I already did it one year ago: Motivation, Emotion, Character traits, to repeat it and using the examples it improved…

…you will change your whole being, how can I be actively changing, to improve further, on one side it is building subtle questions, and practicing everything…

Thank you very much!

(P.S. the audio is still only in German here)

Review – Participant Paul

I am a former participant of Holgers Deep Trust Coaching

Well then. It’s a great pleasure to me to write this Review.

The whole event took part in Stuttgart.
The whole thing took place in Stuttgart, Holger has welcomed me very friendly on Friday and we are first in a bar and have a couple of drinks and chatted a bit. He proved to be very relaxed and very emphatetic. A loose and relaxed guy who has seen a lot in life.

After the small talk we went down to learn. He generally has explained to me first the basics of Deep Trust and then we dived in deeply

First I had the impression that this is all very theoretical but later I understood I need this knowlegde to be able to increase my levels of empathy when communicating with others.

You could also say my intuition gained a rapid boost during this weekend. I will come back to this.

At Saturday we made dived more into the principles of the concepts. Because it contains a lot it would be much to refer about this here.
Roughly stated it’s about getting to know the rehtoric training wheels for manage to build trust with other human-beings in general.

These stages are called emotional levels the deeper the better. Best shit for all theorists and technicans and a big boost for the normal game as well.
More than that, it ignites with others like a chocolate ice after a Cosmopolitan diet.

When I started using my new-learned knowledge in a couple of conversations I didn’t manage to get very deep, as Holger said.
I lacked practice dive deeper.

Nevertheless it was sufficient to checkout some numbers and create some sparkle in the eyes of others.
Holger hat mir aufmerksam zugehört, als ich ihm die Abläufe meiner Sets geschildert habe und bot mir schnell Hinweise, wie es das nächste mal besser gehen kann. Er konnte auch direkt anhand meiner Beispiele Zugänge zu weiteren tieferen Ebenen kreieren.
Hier macht eindeutig Übung den Meister.

Holger listened thoroughly as I described how my interactions went and quickly gave me instructions about how to improve.
He could also create instantly access to deeper levels deriving from my examples.
To master this you need clearly practice.

Sunday we went in a cafe to rebrief. Holger gave me a few examples with exact details and instructions of how to implement my new knowledge.
Then we did that live infield. That way it was super successful.

Nevertheless it was a very worthy investion.
I build a lot more trust with people around me now and also the girls can feel this a lot more than before.

Stuttgart is a great town and Holger is a great teacher.

As far as I know Holger is the only one teaching these principles in Germany.

Go for it and bring your trust to the next level!

Peace & Love

Review – Participant Y. U.

Because I knew very little about that topic, there’s a lot to learn. But here’s my review.

For sure I learnt new things because of the coaching and already understood what it’s all about.
And it’s also more important to me than JUST ONLY learn it.

Your practical examples got me tuned in I could practice on it.
I learned where to connect the missing dots and how I can succeed in telling things about her derived by what she’s telling to give room for a full blown conversation.

It is definitely an enrichment in any communication case and I highly recommended learning it.